ANNOUNCEMENT “Audio Signals with Marco Ciappelli” (and myself).

I was invited to speak with Marco Ciappelli on his podcast “Audio Signals Podcast with Marco Ciappelli” about Loy: In the Forests of the Mind. Thanks to Marco for the opportunity. He was a generous host and we spoke about many matters. It was my first podcast and I found the experience interesting and eye-opening. Perhaps you will too.

You can listen to the podcast on their website here or watch it on YouTube here.

The podcast is also available on other platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

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In a past life, Todd David Gross had an extensive background in music and was a veteran of such rock groups as The Burning Sensations, The Band Next Door, and The Shout! He performed primarily on bass, sometimes keys, sang, wrote songs, hauled equipment and performed in downtown NYC clubs, (usually after 2 a.m. on a work night), hauled equipment back, and sometimes saw the sun rise. 

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How I Came to Understand Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Looking Out the Window of a Train